Membership Process

The ACMIT membership process refers to the steps individuals or organizations must follow to become a member of ACMIT. Institutions or individuals seeking ACMIT membership should follow the below membership process at ACMIT.

Submit the Application Form

The first step of the ACMIT membership process begins with the submission of a membership application form. Institutions or individuals seeking ACMIT membership are required to fill out the application form on the ACMIT website.

Membership Approval

The ACMIT membership committee is authorized for the membership decision. The committee will review the membership application of the candidate and will decide on the membership award based on their final evaluation. ACMIT membership will be valid for 1 year, after which the membership will expire.

Membership Fee

After the membership approval, the applicant will receive an invoice from ACMIT and will be required to pay ACMIT membership fee either through online banking using ACMIT website or pay through bank to ACMIT official bank account. Once payment is received, the membership certificate will be issued and sent to the applicant either a soft copy through email or hard copy through currier depending on the requirement of the applicant.

Access to Membership Benefits

Once the membership fee is paid and the membership certificate is issued, members gain access to ACMIT benefits. This may include attending events, accessing resources, participating in programs, and enjoying other privileges.

Membership Renewal

Institutions or individuals seeking ACMIT membership renewal or extend their memberships must submit a membership renewal or extend membership application/letter to at least one month before expiry of the current membership.